Monday, May 11, 2009

asked for it



When it is cold, like real cold,
I turn my body into itself––inside itself. A hunchback.
My shell is a real case of living and breathing.
Compensate by disappearing.


It makes my whole body itch
then crack. Gold Bond won't keep me sealed.
Doc says it's all about hydration But I know better-
my soul's trying to leave me behind.
Escape through dying skin, my winter.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again
"This time is the last time, and the last time wont be like this time."
And I mean it, have meant it.
Stay here as long as I say.


People at work looked at me
with eyebrows raised to the ceiling
when I came into the office
covered in tin foil.
I will wrap
my dying hands
once more.

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